Essay about Hanami - hanami festival of watching cherry blossom, hanami meaning and history and the meaning of sakura sumbol in the Japanese history and samurai culture, including hanami and sakura place in Japanese manga, anime, movies and video games.

Hanami – April Day of Reflection on What You Have Now, Which Will Pass and Not Return

Cherry Blossom Forecast


Essay about Hanami - hanami festival of watching cherry blossom, hanami meaning and history and the meaning of sakura sumbol in the Japanese history and samurai culture, including hanami and sakura place in Japanese manga, anime, movies and video games.Hanami, also known as the cherry blossom viewing festival, is one of the most picturesque and charming traditions of Japan, celebrating the annual bloom of cherry blossoms, known as sakura. This unique phenomenon, celebrated for centuries, symbolizes not only the arrival of spring but also the transience and fleeting nature of life, an important element of the philosophy and worldview of the Japanese. Observing the delicate pink and white flowers has become a cultural ritual, attracting both residents of Japan and tourists from around the world.


Essay about Hanami - hanami festival of watching cherry blossom, hanami meaning and history and the meaning of sakura sumbol in the Japanese history and samurai culture, including hanami and sakura place in Japanese manga, anime, movies and video games.During the Hanami festival, parks, gardens, and temples throughout Japan come alive, becoming a place of communal gatherings where families, friends, and colleagues gather to admire the ephemeral beauty of sakura. People lay picnic mats under the trees, enjoying seasonal treats and drinks, in an atmosphere of joy and renewal. It is a time when the bloom of cherry blossoms becomes a moment for reflection and this one day - a pretext to celebrate the beauty of nature and the fleetingness of life.


As I write this article (April 15, 2024), the Hanami period is in full swing. Cherry blossoms typically bloom between late March and early May. For example, today, with the peak tomorrow, the cherry blossoms will bloom in Fukuoka. Next week – in Hirosaki and Sapporo. The days when the cherry blossoms (and consequently, when the Hanami festival will take place in a given city or region) are shown as part of the standard weather forecast on television. Essay about Hanami - hanami festival of watching cherry blossom, hanami meaning and history and the meaning of sakura sumbol in the Japanese history and samurai culture, including hanami and sakura place in Japanese manga, anime, movies and video games.Japan is such a country – aesthetic experiences from ephemeral and cyclical natural phenomena are an important festival. The name Country of the Blooming Cherry also does not come from nowhere.


In the article we will discuss what hanami is and its history, and also consider the meaning of symbols such as the pink cherry blossom, which may mislead Europeans, because being a symbol of the ephemerality of life, it is associated in Japan not so much with peace or delicacy, but rather with war, struggle, and the fate of a short and brutally interrupted by the blade of a katana life of a samurai.




What do "Hanami" and "Sakura" mean?


Essay about Hanami - hanami festival of watching cherry blossom, hanami meaning and history and the meaning of sakura sumbol in the Japanese history and samurai culture, including hanami and sakura place in Japanese manga, anime, movies and video games.The name "hanami" comes from the Japanese words "hana" (花), which means "flower", and "mi" (見), which means "to watch". This term literally translates as "watching flowers" and historically was used not only in relation to sakura but also other flowers, such as ume, or Japanese plum. However, in modern times, the word "hanami" is almost exclusively associated with the observation of cherry blossom. The first use of this term in literature can be found in Japanese chronicles from the Nara period (710–794 AD), such as Nihon Shoki (Chronicles of Japan, AD 720) and Manyoshu ("Collection of Ten Thousand Leaves", likely AD 759).


Essay about Hanami - hanami festival of watching cherry blossom, hanami meaning and history and the meaning of sakura sumbol in the Japanese history and samurai culture, including hanami and sakura place in Japanese manga, anime, movies and video games.The word "sakura" (桜) refers to the Japanese cherry and its flowers. Etymologically, this word has several theories of origin. One suggests that "sakura" comes from the word "saku" (咲く), which means "to bloom", indicating the key feature of these trees – their spectacular blooming. Another theory links "sakura" with the word "sa" (佐), which means assistance, and "kura" (倉), which means a storehouse or wealth – symbolizing the generosity of nature during the cherry blossom. In the Japanese language, the word "sakura" also serves as a poetic symbol of the transience of life, associated with the concept of "mono no aware" – the awareness of the passing of beauty.


Essay about Hanami - hanami festival of watching cherry blossom, hanami meaning and history and the meaning of sakura sumbol in the Japanese history and samurai culture, including hanami and sakura place in Japanese manga, anime, movies and video games.In the history of Japan, sakura also had military-social significance. These flowers were the emblem of the samurai, who admired sakura for its short-lived but intense beauty – as a metaphor for their own lives, filled with honor and duty, but often ended young. Blooming sakuras were also a symbol of renewal and hope during Japan's reconstruction after World War II.




History of Hanami


Essay about Hanami - hanami festival of watching cherry blossom, hanami meaning and history and the meaning of sakura sumbol in the Japanese history and samurai culture, including hanami and sakura place in Japanese manga, anime, movies and video games.Hanami, known today as the festival of observing blooming cherry blossoms in Japan, has its roots in the country's distant history as a tradition of admiring flowers (of various kinds), initially focused around ume flowers (Japanese plum). The beginnings of this practice can be found in ancient chronicles and poetry, where hanami was already present.


The first records of hanami are found in "Nihon Shoki" and "Manyoshu". In "Nihon Shoki", a chronicle from AD 720, ceremonies were described in which emperors participated, admiring ume flowers. "Manyoshu", a collection of poetry from the 8th century, contains poems extolling the charms of flowers, attesting to the important place hanami occupied in everyday life and culture of those times.


Essay about Hanami - hanami festival of watching cherry blossom, hanami meaning and history and the meaning of sakura sumbol in the Japanese history and samurai culture, including hanami and sakura place in Japanese manga, anime, movies and video games.Another breakthrough occurred in the Heian period (794-1185), when interest shifted from ume to sakura (cherries), which became the main object of admiration. This was associated with changes in court life, where sakura began to symbolize delicacy and transience, which perfectly corresponded with the aesthetics and philosophy of that period, which was dominated by the influences of Buddhism.


Essay about Hanami - hanami festival of watching cherry blossom, hanami meaning and history and the meaning of sakura sumbol in the Japanese history and samurai culture, including hanami and sakura place in Japanese manga, anime, movies and video games.Over time, hanami transformed from an elite court custom into a national practice. During the Edo period (1603-1868), hanami became accessible to wider layers of society, which was supported by the policy of Tokugawa Ieyasu, who encouraged the planting of cherry trees in public places, allowing everyone to enjoy their beauty. This is also the time when hanami began to take the form similar to today's festival, with picnics and games under blooming trees.


Today, hanami is widely celebrated throughout Japan, forming an important cultural element that attracts millions of participants both from the country and from abroad. The festival not only celebrates the beauty of blooming sakuras but also serves as a time of renewal and joy, reminding of the cyclicality of nature and human experiences.




Hanami Matsuri – How We Celebrate the Festival of Admiring Cherry Blossoms


Essay about Hanami - hanami festival of watching cherry blossom, hanami meaning and history and the meaning of sakura sumbol in the Japanese history and samurai culture, including hanami and sakura place in Japanese manga, anime, movies and video games.The Hanami Festival is one of the most picturesque and anticipated events in Japan, attracting both local residents and tourists from around the world each year. Hanami, or "flower viewing", takes place in the spring, when blooming cherry trees (sakura) flourish in full glory, creating spectacular landscapes in shades of pink and white. The cherry blossom period is brief, usually lasting from late March to early May, and exact dates vary depending on the region. In southern Japan, on islands such as Okinawa, blooming begins earlier, while in the north, such as in Hokkaido, blossoming can be observed only at the beginning of May.


Essay about Hanami - hanami festival of watching cherry blossom, hanami meaning and history and the meaning of sakura sumbol in the Japanese history and samurai culture, including hanami and sakura place in Japanese manga, anime, movies and video games.Throughout Japan, parks, temples, and riversides become venues for collective hanami celebrations. Popular locations such as Ueno Park and the Meguro River in Tokyo, Maruyama Park in Kyoto, and Hirosaki Park in the north of the country fill with people who lay picnic mats directly under the cherry trees. The atmosphere is joyful and relaxed – families, friends, and colleagues gather to spend time together outdoors.


Essay about Hanami - hanami festival of watching cherry blossom, hanami meaning and history and the meaning of sakura sumbol in the Japanese history and samurai culture, including hanami and sakura place in Japanese manga, anime, movies and video games.During the hanami festival, it is common to organize picnics featuring traditional Japanese dishes. Festival participants often bring bentō – single-portion boxes filled with a variety of foods that may include sushi, onigiri (rice balls), tempura, and Japanese sweets like dango (sweet sticky rice balls) or sakura mochi. Sakura mochi is the most recognizable sweet treat associated with the hanami festival: made from sticky rice (mochi) that is dyed pink and wrapped around a filling of red azuki bean paste. Essay about Hanami - hanami festival of watching cherry blossom, hanami meaning and history and the meaning of sakura sumbol in the Japanese history and samurai culture, including hanami and sakura place in Japanese manga, anime, movies and video games.The whole is encased in a sakura leaf, which gives the dessert a distinctive, slightly salty taste and a cherry aroma. Alcohol consumption, especially of sake or beer, is also a significant part of hanami, adding an extra layer of festivity to the celebration.


Essay about Hanami - hanami festival of watching cherry blossom, hanami meaning and history and the meaning of sakura sumbol in the Japanese history and samurai culture, including hanami and sakura place in Japanese manga, anime, movies and video games.Music and dance often accompany these gatherings, where some groups even organize outdoor karaoke, singing popular Japanese songs. In many places, especially in large cities, the hanami festival is also an opportunity to watch special performances, such as traditional Japanese dances or drum shows.


Essay about Hanami - hanami festival of watching cherry blossom, hanami meaning and history and the meaning of sakura sumbol in the Japanese history and samurai culture, including hanami and sakura place in Japanese manga, anime, movies and video games.Cherry blossoms have a very short life cycle – full bloom lasts only a few days, and the entire blooming period usually does not exceed two weeks. Therefore, forecasts of cherry blossom blooming are extremely important and are widely broadcast in the media, including in weather forecasts. These forecasts help plan for hanami, as the ideal time to observe the flowers is a very narrow window. Knowing the exact time of blooming in a given region allows for better planning of visits and maximum utilization of the opportunity to participate in the festival.


Experiencing hanami is not just about observing the beauty of nature, but primarily about celebrating community, renewal, and joy, which are integral elements of the Japanese spring.




Symbolism and Significance of Sakura and Hanami, and a Warning Associated with It


Essay about Hanami - hanami festival of watching cherry blossom, hanami meaning and history and the meaning of sakura sumbol in the Japanese history and samurai culture, including hanami and sakura place in Japanese manga, anime, movies and video games.


Sakura, the Japanese cherry, is one of the most recognizable symbols of Japan, representing not only the spring renewal of nature but also deep philosophical and cultural meanings. Primarily, sakura is a symbol of transience, beauty, and the impermanence of life. Although the cherry blossoms are incredibly beautiful, they bloom for only a short time before quickly falling. This impermanence is often used in Japan as a metaphor for human life, which is just as fleeting. In traditional Japanese worldview, such ephemeral nature is not a source of despair, but rather a reminder to enjoy every moment of life, appreciating its fleeting beauty.


Essay about Hanami - hanami festival of watching cherry blossom, hanami meaning and history and the meaning of sakura sumbol in the Japanese history and samurai culture, including hanami and sakura place in Japanese manga, anime, movies and video games.Unlike Western culture, where flowers like roses may symbolize enduring love and unchanged beauty, in Japan, sakura reminds us of the inevitability of the end and the irreversible cycles of life and death. This difference in perception stems from deeply rooted traditions and history that shape a specific cultural consciousness and aesthetic.


Often, on the pages of Ikigai Manga Dive, I emphasize that the differences between our cultures are indeed real and not negligible. We must approach learning about a culture as foreign as Japanese with an open mind. Otherwise, we will completely misinterpret what we see. We cannot interpret the symbols of Japanese culture as if they meant the same there as they do in Europe. Transferring our symbols to their ideas. This applies to many things, even something as basic as flowers, and even colors. In contemporary Poland, for example, pink is understood as a sweet, girly color. In men, it might indicate effeminacy or different preferences.


Essay about Hanami - hanami festival of watching cherry blossom, hanami meaning and history and the meaning of sakura sumbol in the Japanese history and samurai culture, including hanami and sakura place in Japanese manga, anime, movies and video games.


In learning about Japanese culture, we must clear our minds of what they have become accustomed to in Western culture. The delicate pink of sakura is in Japan a rather dark symbol, very close to war, death, killing.


Essay about Hanami - hanami festival of watching cherry blossom, hanami meaning and history and the meaning of sakura sumbol in the Japanese history and samurai culture, including hanami and sakura place in Japanese manga, anime, movies and video games.The darker aspects of sakura are related to its association with samurai and Japan's martial culture. Samurais, who were warriors of feudal Japan, often identified with sakura, seeing in its short-lived blooming an analogy to their own lives, which could be swiftly cut by a sword. In this way, they became a symbol of the samurai's sense of fate, who had to live reconciled with their lot – a fate full of death, battle, and above all, one that could end any day on the blade of another samurai's katana.


Cherry blossoms also reminded them of bushido, the samurai code that emphasized honor, courage, and readiness to sacrifice life. In peacetime, sakura was a celebration of life and its beauty, but in a wartime context, especially during World War II, it gained a new, tragic dimension.


Essay about Hanami - hanami festival of watching cherry blossom, hanami meaning and history and the meaning of sakura sumbol in the Japanese history and samurai culture, including hanami and sakura place in Japanese manga, anime, movies and video games.During the war, the motif of sakura was used by the Japanese armed forces, particularly in kamikaze units. Suicide pilots painted images of sakura on their planes, and the flowers became a symbol of their readiness to sacrifice their lives for the emperor and the nation. In this context, sakura was both ominous and tragic – symbolizing the short-lived life that was ready to disappear for a higher purpose.


Essay about Hanami - hanami festival of watching cherry blossom, hanami meaning and history and the meaning of sakura sumbol in the Japanese history and samurai culture, including hanami and sakura place in Japanese manga, anime, movies and video games.Hanami, the festival of observing the blooming of sakura, is thus an opportunity not only to celebrate life and nature but also a moment of reflection on deeper existential themes. Through the collective celebration of the beauty of blooming sakuras, the Japanese unite in reflection on the transient nature of life, which can be both inspiring and melancholic. This unique mix of celebration and contemplation of transience makes Hanami and sakura extremely important and multi-dimensional elements of Japanese culture, which we should not categorize merely as festivals of "pretty flowers," for we would miss the depth of concepts that we could feel by interacting with works of Japanese culture.




Hanami in Anime


Hanami, as a significant element of Japanese culture, is reflected in many works of pop culture, especially in anime and manga. Here are a few examples of how hanami is portrayed in these art forms:


Essay about Hanami - hanami festival of watching cherry blossom, hanami meaning and history and the meaning of sakura sumbol in the Japanese history and samurai culture, including hanami and sakura place in Japanese manga, anime, movies and video games.□ "Your Lie in April" (Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso) – In this anime, hanami occurs during one of the key moments in the series, when characters experience significant emotional breakthroughs during the cherry blossom festival.


□ "Clannad" - In this deeply emotional anime, hanami appears as a moment of reflection on life and passing. Blooming sakuras provide the backdrop for key scenes, emphasizing the transience of moments and the importance of interpersonal relationships.


Essay about Hanami - hanami festival of watching cherry blossom, hanami meaning and history and the meaning of sakura sumbol in the Japanese history and samurai culture, including hanami and sakura place in Japanese manga, anime, movies and video games.□ "Your Name" (Kimi no Na wa) - In this blockbuster film, director Makoto Shinkai uses sakuras as a motif connecting the past with the present. Sakura trees witness pivotal moments in the lives of the main characters, symbolizing the cyclicality of life and its variability.


□ "Tokyo Ghoul" - In this series, hanami is depicted in contrast between the beauty of blooming cherries and the brutality of the ghoul world. Hanami scenes add emotional depth and emphasize the irony of the existence of beauty amid violence.


Essay about Hanami - hanami festival of watching cherry blossom, hanami meaning and history and the meaning of sakura sumbol in the Japanese history and samurai culture, including hanami and sakura place in Japanese manga, anime, movies and video games.□ "Sakura Quest" - This anime tells the story of a young woman trying to revitalize a small town through tourism and local festivals, including the sakura festival. The Hanami Festival is portrayed here as an important event for the local community and culture.


□ "5 Centimeters per Second" - In this story, sakura symbolizes passing moments and separations. Blooming and falling sakura petals are metaphors for fleeting moments in the lives of the characters, emphasizing the transience and sadness associated with separation.


Essay about Hanami - hanami festival of watching cherry blossom, hanami meaning and history and the meaning of sakura sumbol in the Japanese history and samurai culture, including hanami and sakura place in Japanese manga, anime, movies and video games.□ "Hanami" - This manga tells a story of love and lost opportunities set during the sakura blooming season. Hanami provides a backdrop for introspection and reflection on the life choices of the characters.


□ "Hanayamata" – Although mainly focused on yosakoi dance, this anime also features hanami scenes that serve as a backdrop for the developing friendship between the characters.


Essay about Hanami - hanami festival of watching cherry blossom, hanami meaning and history and the meaning of sakura sumbol in the Japanese history and samurai culture, including hanami and sakura place in Japanese manga, anime, movies and video games.□ "Barakamon" – This anime about a young calligrapher who moves to a small island, where he participates in local customs, including hanami, helping him find inspiration and new meaning in life.


□ "Fruits Basket" – In this series, hanami is an important seasonal event where the main characters gather to celebrate under blooming cherry trees, sharing their feelings and stories.


These examples show how hanami has been integrated into Japanese pop culture, becoming not just a backdrop for various stories, but also a key element of the narrative that brings an additional layer of meaning and emotional depth to the stories told.






Hanami is more than just observing blooming cherry trees – it is a moment when the Japanese celebrate renewal and social life. Essay about Hanami - hanami festival of watching cherry blossom, hanami meaning and history and the meaning of sakura sumbol in the Japanese history and samurai culture, including hanami and sakura place in Japanese manga, anime, movies and video games.With the arrival of spring, hanami also signals the start of the new school and financial year, further emphasizing its significance as a period of new beginnings and fresh starts. It is a time when communities can gather, enjoying each other's company in the setting of nature, which helps strengthen social bonds and renew energy for the coming months.


Essay about Hanami - hanami festival of watching cherry blossom, hanami meaning and history and the meaning of sakura sumbol in the Japanese history and samurai culture, including hanami and sakura place in Japanese manga, anime, movies and video games.As a cultural phenomenon, hanami plays an important role in preserving Japanese traditions, while also influencing the contemporary culture of the country. This spring festival helps in cementing aesthetic and philosophical values that are valued in Japanese society, such as appreciating fleeting beauty and awareness of transience.




Sakura: The Blooming Heart of Japanese Culture and Anime


Japanese Philosophy of Mono no Aware: The Practice of Mindful Being


Wabi Sabi: The Japanese Aesthetics of Imperfection


The Majime Mask - The Japanese Soul Torn Between Inspiring Ideal and Enslaving Whip


From Tanabata to Gion Matsuri: Japanese Festival Traditions Then and Now


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 A connoisseur of Asian culture with a deep-seated appreciation for various philosophies of the world. By education, psychologist and Korean philologist. By heart, an Android developer and an ardent tech aficionado. In tranquil moments, he champions a disciplined way of life, firmly believing that steadfastness, perpetual self-enhancement, and a dedication to one's passions is a sensible path for life.


Personnal Motto:

"The most powerful force in the universe is compound interest."  - Albert Einstein (possibly)

  Mike Soray

(aka Michał Sobieraj)

Photo of  Michał Sobieraj aka Mike Soray, interested in Asia, Japan, Korea, manga, anime. An app developer for Android.
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Logo of Ikigai Manga Dive - Android application for learning about Japanese culture
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