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What's the "Ikigai Philosophy"?

What is this App?

"Ikigai" is a Japanese philosophy suggesting that joy and purpose arise from the confluence of passion, mission, vocation, and profession. Originating from the wordplay of "iki" (life) and "gai" (value or worth), it has been a guiding light for many in Japan, especially in Okinawa, known for its high life expectancy.


This age-old ideology promotes a harmonious blend of personal satisfaction with worldly utility, suggesting that the happiest and longest lives are those intertwined with both purpose and passion. In a world chasing fleeting pleasures, "ikigai" offers a compass towards a deeply fulfilling and sustained contentment.


Beyond its holistic approach to life's purpose, Ikigai also underscores the significance of perpetual self-enhancement. Living according to the principles of Ikigai means embracing an ever-evolving journey where one consistently hones their skills and broadens their horizons. This philosophy doesn't merely focus on finding one's passion but also champions the idea of lifelong learning and mastery. It encourages individuals to remain curious, always seeking out new knowledge and experiences, ensuring that the journey of life is as enriching as its destination.

Ikigai - a Rason for Living

About life's purpose...

Otaku girl reading a book about Japan and Japanese culture and history such as manga and anime.

What do you mean?

What other learning apps are there?

Screens from educational free game on Android about Japan, Japanese culture and history, Japanese geography and manga and anime - for Otakus.

About your smart phone...

Smartphones are brilliant in this respect: they allow us to kill time when there's an abundance of it (in a queue, on a bus, during a dull evening), offering games and entertainment for relaxation, while simultaneously enabling us to save that same time by using it productively, granting constant access to fresh information and news in areas of our interest.


But what if we could merge these two aspects? What if the time "lost" in relaxation and entertainment could also benefit us in the form of skills and knowledge in our life beyond the smartphone?


Such is the objective guiding the Gain Skill+ projects for Android.


Our mission is to deliver, on one hand, apps and games that serve as that "time-killer", offering a welcomed relaxation.


Simultaneously, the entire entertainment experience is structured around the idea that time spent on your smartphone, even if it's just mindless tapping, brings you tangible benefits in life in the form of new knowledge or skills.

Digital Alchemy: 
Transforming Idle Hours into Skill

Beta-Testers' Opinions

Avatar of a beta tester of Android game about Japan and Japanese culture and history, especially manga and anime.

I started using GS+ Ikigai Manga Dive just for some casual gameplay, and before I knew it, I was soaking up all this knowledge about Japan! It's surprising how much I've learned about Japanese geography, history, and cultural nuances without even realizing I was learning. It's rare for a game to be both entertaining and educational.


Avatar of a beta tester of Android game about Japan and Japanese culture and history, especially manga and anime.

I've been trying out GS+ Ikigai Manga Dive during my downtime, and it's honestly better than I expected. The storyline in Okinawa is a nice touch, and I've picked up some cool facts about manga and Japanese culture along the way. It's been a neat way to learn without feeling like I'm studying.


Avatar of a beta tester of Android game about Japan and Japanese culture and history, especially manga and anime.

I played this during bus rides home from school and, within days, found myself more knowledgeable about manga and Japan, having more to say during conversations with friends. Everything began to click, and I even started conducting my own online research to delve deeper.


Logo of Soray Apps - android appdev, development of educational apps for Android
Logo of Ikigai Manga Dive - Android application for learning about Japanese culture
Logo of Gain Skill Plus - series of Android Apps for learning new knowledge and skills and generally for being productive

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Ciechanow, Poland




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